A case for why Ada’s interns are better than your average CS intern

As we begin our work with new partners, one of the first steps is to educate the corporation’s engineering managers on the vast diversity of lived experiences and perspectives Ada interns bring. When attempting to compare an Ada intern to a computer science (CS) college intern, it needs to be clarified that the comparison is not apples to apples. While higher education has value, our Ada interns have acquired knowledge and experiences beyond the confines of an institution, that can be of even greater value than the traditional education received at other boot camps or CS College programs.
An engineering manager seeking to be a part of the solution to diversify their teams, may be unsure of the quality of interns from underrepresented backgrounds.
They may ask: Won’t CS interns get up to speed faster and have more technical knowledge?” “Why choose an Ada intern over a 4-year CS college intern?
Our partners can affirm that Ada interns can outperform interns with CS degrees when placed on strong teams. They are different and need different levels of support initially, but
95% of our students secure jobs within six months of their internship, and there are over 800 Ada graduates now working in tech companies around the world.
So, that’s one of the common misperceptions, here are some other assumptions that we like to tackle up front.
- Ada interns don’t have as much technical knowledge.
- Ada interns go through a rigorous 6-month classroom training. For many Ada interns, this is a 2nd or 3rd career, so while they may not have extended technical training, they are bringing real-world experience. We find mentorship is an essential component to an Ada intern’s success and growth within a company.
- CS interns will be easier to train and mentor.
- The average age of an Ada intern is 30 years old. Most Ada interns have been in the workforce for several years, they are passionate about tech, and come with those skills that are harder to teach like communication, perseverance, and a growth mindset. And while an Ada intern may need more focused orientation and mentorship, they excel further than the CS interns coming right out of college, and in the workforce for the first time.
- Ada interns are from underrepresented backgrounds, and may not fit in with our culture or team.
- Acknowledging that homogeneity is a liability that must be addressed for a company to have future success is a first step. Ada Developers Academy is not just a source for highly skilled, diverse talent, it is also a resource for corporations to learn how to support and retain that diverse talent. We offer a Manager Inclusivity Training to all of the corporate partner managers and mentors that will support our Ada interns throughout their 5 month internship. The goal of the training is to create more inclusive and equitable internship experiences. We look to work with the HR and the People Ops teams at partner corporations to try and incorporate their language, and resources, into the skill building provided to their managers and offered as support to our interns.
- Ada interns are young and inexperienced.
- Our interns span all age ranges. The average age of an Ada intern is 30 years old.
- The Ada program doesn’t fit in with our CS internship program.
- This may be true. Ada internships are for 5 months versus 3 months for CS interns. Ada interns are year-round and not tied to a traditional university school schedule. Ada’s internship program is advantageous to companies who need support and want to hire year-round.
Ada interns have incredible benefits.
- They bring innovative ideas due to their underrepresented backgrounds.
- They bring in the perspectives of all the different kinds of people the company may serve.
- Soft skills are what set Ada interns apart. They are professional, collaborative, and often have industry experience.
- They learn fast. With upfront training, they will excel.
- They bring a social justice lens to your culture and workplace.
- The Ada internship program forces managers to look at their team environments through our Inclusivity Training. When managers and mentors attend, the inclusive environments they create benefit Ada interns and everyone on the team.
Assumptions happen. It’s important to identify the assumptions that you or your company have about bootcamp interns. Often these assumptions are based on fear of the unknown when in reality, these concerns can be addressed. Our corporate partners can attest to the skills and diverse backgrounds of our interns.
Ada has developed a special formula for taking people with an interest in tech, and turning them into people who can contribute to a code base on day one.
If you’re interested in learning more about our corporate partner program and Ada’s intern curriculum, please download our overview guide.